
The German Aerospace Industries Association (Bundesverband der Deutschen Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie e.V. – BDLI) with more than 220 members represents the interests of an industrial sector, which owing to international technology leadership and worldwide success has become a significant driver of economic growth in Germany.

bayme vbm refers to the Employers’ Associations of the Metalworking and Electrical Industries in Bavaria. It represents the joint commercial, social and political interests of their member-companies located in Bavaria.

The members of "Additive Alliance" assist one another in research and development in the field of additive manufacturing and the complete laser-based value chain for innovative light products.

Mobility goes Additive is the leading additive manufacturing network of companies, institutions and research organisations in the mobility and logistics branch.

The "Leichtbauatlas" is an interactive portal that bundles cross-sector and cross-material information on national and international lightweight construction players and their lightweight construction-relevant competencies and activities.

The WBA Tooling Academy is the leading partner to the mould making industry, for industry consulting, further education and research. Together with over 80 member companies, the WBA develops innovative solutions for mould making. As a platform and competence centre in the Production Technology Cluster on the RWTH Aachen Campus, the WBA connects science and industry.

VDMA (Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau, German Engineering Federation) represents over 3,100 mostly medium-sized companies in the capital goods industry. toolcraft is member of the Additive Manufacturing Association as well as Robotics + Automation.

bavAIRia e. V. was charged by the Bavarian government with the management of the cluster Aerospace. The aim of bavAIRia is to identify the Bavarian core competences in aerospace and space applications as well as to interlink authorised persons even more strongly to increase the global competitiveness of this industry.

The "Automation Valley Nordbayern" is the regional Industry 4.0 initiative of North Bavarian companies and institutions in the field of automation technology. The coordination is done by the IHKs in Bayreuth, Coburg, Nuremberg and Würzburg-Schweinfurt as well as the Innovation Offensive East Bavaria.

The "Kunststoff-Zentrum" (SKZ) offers its member companies in the plastics industry services such as specialist conferences, courses, certifications or consulting. The sponsor of the SKZ is FSKZ e. V. (Fördergemeinschaft für das Süddeutsche Kunststoff-Zentrum).

The Cleaning Association (FiT) is the interface between research, development and the practical application of industrial cleaning technology. The aim is to gain new insights, bundle current knowledge and promote exchange in the industry and with external stakeholders.

The "Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e. V." focuses on innovative future technologies. The aim is to exploit the results for business and industry and make them usable.

The DVS "DIE VERBINDUNGS SPEZIALISTEN" is a non-profit association which acts independently and in the interest of its members. The aim of DVS is to promote the technology of welding and related processes with regard to technology, education and research.

SCE A Deutschland e.V. is to offer and implement, either directly or indirectly, services in order to achieve commitments that are the improvement and sustainable development of industrial performance as well as the competitiveness of supply chains of on-board products for the civil aeronautical industry.

The industry association COGD (Component Obsolescence Group Deutschland) e.V. deals with the subject of obsolescence management. The aim is to minimize the consequences of the unavailability of components in products or to prevent this case.

The Federal Association of the German Security and Defence Industry (BDSV) represents the combined interests of the German security and defence industry (SVI) and thus supports companies in national and international competition. It acts as a link between companies, politics, society, institutions and the media.

PT. Yogya Presisi Teknikatama Industri has already been established in the technologies of machining, mould making and injection moulding and is also certified according to AS 9100 for the production of precision components, assemblies and complete solutions for the aerospace industry. toolcraft holds 50% of the company shares of PT. YPTI and supports the first steps in additive manufacturing.
Yogyakarta (Indonesia)

One of the world's leading suppliers of machine tools with laser technology in use. toolcraft invests in the latest generation of machines based on powder bed.
Ditzingen (Germany)

Siemens Digital Industries Software, a business unit of the Siemens Digital Factory Division, is a leading global provider of software solutions to drive the digital transformation of industry, creating new opportunities for manufacturers to realize innovation.
Plano (Texas)

Sales of CAM software and for offline programming of robots, support & training, software development, NC post-processors
Georgensgmünd (Germany)

Hexagon, a global technology leader, offers products and services for process simulation in the manufacturing industry and supports the design and optimization of production processes in metalworking and metal processing.
Stockholm (Sweden)

Surface finishing for demanding technical and decorative plastic parts
Langenzenn, Singapur, Batam