The reha team Nordbayern Gesundheitstechnik GmbH is active in the areas of rehabilitation and orthopaedic technology and operates 17 medical supply stores. The company offers advice and support for people of all ages in all aspects of orthopaedic technology, care and everyday aids, mobility, compression therapy and prosthetic care. In order to be able to produce individual orthopaedic aids efficiently, toolcraft was commissioned by reha team to implement a robotic milling process in collaboration with Stäubli.
reha team Nordbayern Gesundheitstechnik GmbH
the starting point:
Making manufacturing processes more efficient
The sub-process "positive models" in the production of individual prostheses, orthoses and other medical aids was previously outsourced by reha team and had to be carried out abroad. The same applies to the milling of customised seating and reclining shells. This process took a lot of time and caused high costs. Therefore, it was necessary to simplify the production process. In addition, the product portfolio was to be enlarged in order to be able to address new target groups.
the challenge:
Training a new production process
Since reha team Nordbayern had no previous experience with robots and milling processes, it was first and foremost necessary to impart know-how about the new manufacturing process. The operation of the system should be as simple as possible and easy to train. At the same time, the requirement was to be able to manufacture complex components.
The approach:
Step by step to the goal
- Formation of a project team in robotics
- Design and construction of the system
- Test set-up at toolcraft
- Training and instruction in operation
- Installation and commissioning of the system at the customer's premises
The results:
Better quality in less time
The new 7-axis robotic milling machine opens new possibilities for reha team Nordbayern, as additional product fields can be developed. Furthermore, it is now possible to produce individual single components with batch size 1, such as orthopaedic aids, in improved quality with little effort. In addition, the production time could be significantly reduced, making the manufacturing process more efficient.